Open Letter for Hope in Salem and Keizer

by Andrea Casteneda, Superintendent, Salem/Keizer School District

Residents of Salem and Keizer,

Today is November 6 and we are at an inflection point for our nation. We, the undersigned, believe and choose the following, and we hope that others will join us.

We believe Salem and Keizer are home to people who want the best for their families, their neighbors, and their community. We choose to see one another as community members with whom we can rise together.

We believe that everyone deserves to feel a sense of belonging. We choose to build belonging through our everyday actions: seeing one another as fellow community members and treating everyone with dignity and respect in all our interactions.

We believe that understanding requires relationships and dialogue. We choose to share our stories and welcome others’ stories into our lives. Through that sharing, we will all have a more complete understanding of our community.

We believe that our language has the power to create a sense of belonging for others. We choose to speak in ways that affirm our community and choose not to use language that demeans or devalues others.

Yes, the United States of America’s future is shaped by elections. But it is also shaped by our everyday choices. In choosing to live in Salem and Keizer, we choose belonging over division. We choose hope over despair. We choose our community.

Faith Leaders

Rob Bashioum, Pastor, Salem Alliance Church

Rev. Dr. Greg Bolt, Salem First Presbyterian Church

Jerry Braza, Unified Buddhist Church

Josè Luis Dominguez, La Luz Del Valle

Sam Dompier, Church at the Park

Josh Erickson, Church at the Park

Rev. Brandon L. Filbert, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church

Rabbi Eli Herb, Temple Beth Sholom

Glen Hossler, Oak Park Church of God, Pastor Emeritus

Abbey and Matt Ingalls, Oak Park Church of God

Pastor Jon Lemmond, Trinity Covenant Church

Rev. Robin Lunn, First Congregational Church UCC Salem

DJ Vincent, Church At The Park

Rev. Kelly Wadsworth, PhD, Westminster Presbyterian Church

Elected Leaders

State Representative Tom Andersen, Oregon House of Representatives, House District 19

Dr. Irvin M, Brown, Salem City Councilor-Elect

Kevin Cameron, Marion County Commissioner

Cathy Clark, Mayor, City of Keizer

State Representative Paul L. Evans, Oregon House of Representatives

Sheriff Mark Garton, Polk County Sheriff’s Office

Jose Gonzalez, Salem City Councilor

Deanna Gwyn, Salem City Councilor

Ken Hector, Chemeketa Community College Board of Education Chair

Chris Hoy, Mayor, City of Salem

Julie Hoy, Salem City Councilor, Ward 6 & Mayor Elect

Nick Hunter, Marion County Sheriff

Kevin L. Mannix, Oregon State House of Representatives, House District 21

Linda Nishioka, Salem City Councilor

Vanessa Nordyke, Salem City Councilor

Senator Deb Patterson, Oregon State Senate

Cynthia Richardson, Salem-Keizer Public Schools Board of Education Chair

Virginia Stapleton, Salem City Councilor

Shaney Starr, MS, Keizer City Council President

Community Leaders

Patrice Altenhofen, Family Building Blocks

Jerry Ambris, Mid-Willamette Valley Habitat for Humanity

Jaime Arredondo, Capaces Leadership Institute

Linda Bednarz, Salem Leadership Foundation Board

Sue Bloom, Boys & Girls Club of Salem, Marion & Polk Counties

Collin Box, Capital FC

Tim Buckley, Community Business and Education Leaders (CBEL)

Mark Bulgin, Isaac’s Room

Tiffany Bulgin, Isaac’s Room

Isaiah Burrell, Salem Leadership Foundation

Andrea Castañeda, Superintendent, Salem-Keizer Public Schools

Satya Chandragiri MD, Co-Chair Braver Angels of Salem

Paige E. Clarkson, Marion County District Attorney

Olga Cobb, Salem-Keizer Public Schools

Andrew Copeland, Chief of Police, Keizer Police Department

Kyle Dickinson, Salem Leadership Foundation

Aaron Felton, Polk County District Attorney

Ormond Fredericks, Oregon Department of Human Services

Seshu Ganta, INDUS

Robert L Garcia, West Salem Rotary

Rick Gaupo, Marion Polk Food Share

Christine Karch Gilman, Compassionate Listening Project

Tim Gilman, Vote Common Good

Luke Glaze, Salem For Refugees

Cathy Grimes, Rotary Club of Salem

Lisa Harnisch, Marion & Polk Early Learning Hub

Levi Herrera-Lopez, Mano a Mano Family Center

Dwayne Hilty, Salem Leadership Foundation

Tom Hoffert, Salem Area Chamber of Commerce

Andrew Holbert, Courtney Place Veterans Housing

Dr. Jessica Howard, President, Chemeketa Community College

Yadira Juarez, Salem Keizer Coalition for Equality

Burt Kanner, Co-Chair Braver Angels of Salem

Josh Kay, Kay LLC.

Lillian Kay, Kay LLC.

Alison Kelley, Liberty House

Alvin Klausen, Courtney Place Veterans Housing

Jackie Leung, Micronesian Islander Community

Reyna Lopez, PCUN

Nancy MacMorris-Adix, Family Building Blocks Board of Directors

Nancy Marshall, Marshall HR Consulting

David Matz, Oregon Department of Human Services

Barry Nelson, Capital Financial Planners

Salam A Noor, Mountain West Center for Community Excellence

Jesse Peters, President, Western Oregon University

Bryce Petersen, Community First Solutions

Greggery Peterson, BE-BLAC Foundation


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